I remembered when Alyssa first wrote me and asked if I could take some pictures of her daughter for her one year celebration. I was so honored. When I first walked into her home her baby was still sleeping so I moved some furniture around and set up my equipment. Then I waited. I wondered if she was going to be fun expressive. It was my first baby shoot. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was definitely not like an event or fashion shoot where I could control where I was or my subject. I learned the quickly and learned to wait for her reaction and then proceed from there. This little girl didn’t disappoint. She was so full of energy and expressions!
Not only have I walked away with some amazing portraits of her but an amazing friendship to go with it. If it wasn’t for this shoot I would never have met this amazing woman! She’s an amazing friend and mother!
Needless to say the birthday girl loved her some cake! Homemade too! What a wonderful mommy!